Friday, May 31, 2013

Minor Status Update

Just a minor status update for AIBrain.

Been working on it when I have the time.
Got a few things figured out in the years since I conceived the initial seed idea of this project.

Sorry I can't share more of the inner workings of AIBrain yet. Keep checking back [every year] though!

AIBrain's HomePage around August 31st, 2009

AIBrain's HomePage:

Heh, more flash-backs..

AIBrain Agent Project around Oct 3rd 2002

AIBrain Agent Project:

What is AIBrain?
OfficiallyA program that will learn and respond using inputs and give outputs.
A program that doesn't do anything too cool by itself....yet.

A fake interview (humor) with the authorRick Harker.
QWhy would someone [like you] want to make an artificial intelligence?
ATo be the first to make a real one.
For the glory (social status).
For company.
Just to do it.
To lean more about ourselves.
For the money.
QWhat progress have you made? 
Not too much. I've rebuilt the framework to use threads more easily; made the AIBrain agent more modular; made the agent internet capable.
QWhat have you learned? 
I have learned a great deal about human languages, especially English and all of its quirks. I also had to learn the C++ language in order to implement AIBrain properly.
QDo you have any pet iguanas? 
QWhat are you currently working on? 
I am trying to combine the internal language I am developing into the memory, grammar, input, output, and learning systems.
QHow many hours each day do you spend on this program? 
I don't know. I get dizzy when the sun keeps spinning through the sky like that.
QMay I ask a question? 
You just did.
QOkay, then can I ask you another question after this one? AYes.
QSo what is your theory behind your program? Why do you think you will succeed when others haven't? AHey, that's two questions! Oh well. My idea is that since language comes from intelligence, it might be possible to simulate intelligence using language. Kinda like a mirror effect, except that mirror isn't quite the correct word. ABecause I have a different perspective on life than most people.
QWhen will the rest of the world see a working version of your program?
AI don't know. Maybe 1/2 a year, ten years, or never...I don't know.
QWhat popular personality do you compare to? ADave Barry. "That newspaper funny guy." - Rick Harker
Error 411: connection to host lost. Please hang up and dial again or your neighbor's dog will be kicked by the IRS.
QWhen did you start working on this program? 
I started on parts of it back in the spring of 1995.


AIBrain Home Page Archive around December 10 2002

AIBrain Home Page
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